

Seminar in progress

EAS holds customized training seminars and educational workshops as and when necessary for participants to acquire up-to-date information and exchange knowledge on aspects of accessible environments and universal design.

Should you have any need for Disability Information or wish to use our specialist services for Accessible Design, please Contact Us.

  • Training on Barrier Free Access for Staff of Food and Environmental Hygiene Department
    Date : 05 Sep 2023
    Venue : Lai Chi Kok Government Offices
    Time : 0900-1700
    CPD Credit :
    Link :
  • Training on Barrier Free Access for Staff of Housing Department
    Date : 29 Aug 2023
    Venue : Rehabaid Centre
    Time : 0900-1700
    CPD Credit :
    Link :
  • How to Make Life More “Handy” - Solutions for Common Upper Limb Pain
    Date : 24 Jul 2023
    Venue : Rehabaid Centre
    Time : 0900-1700
    CPD Credit :
    Link :
  • Training on Barrier Free Access for Staff of Hong Kong Police Force
    Date : 20 Mar 2023
    Venue : Wan Chai Police HeadQuarters
    Time : 0900-1700
    CPD Credit :
    Link :
  • Training on Barrier Free Access for Staff of FEHD
    Date : 05 Jul 2022
    Venue : Rehabaid Centre
    Time : 0900-1700
    CPD Credit :
    Link :
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